Can You Use CBD Creams For Back Pain?

CBD For Back Pain
CBD For Back Pain
CBD For Back Pain
CBD For Back Pain

A large group of people has to sit for many hours in front of a computer to do their work. Prolonged sitting for hours is one major cause of back pain and nowadays, many are suffering from severe back pain because of their working conditions.

CBD, a cannabinoid found in hemp and cannabis plants, is widely used for alleviating pain and inflammation associated with many chronic diseases. Many studies point out that CBD can be effectively used against pain and many other symptoms. In this article, we are focusing on how we can use CBD for back pain.

How Can CBD Help With Pain?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) present in our body is responsible for managing the homeostatic functions in our body. The cannabinoid receptors named CB1 and CB2 present in the ECS are responsible for mediating pain. The compound CBD can bind to the receptors in the ECS and mitigate pain signals from the brain. CBD mainly acts on the CB2 receptors that help to reduce localized inflammation and discomfort. Cannabidiol is also efficient in increasing anandamide levels in the human body. Increased anandamide levels can contribute to increasing the pain threshold of your body. Many clinical studies have positive results regarding the effectiveness of CBD for alleviating chronic pain.

How To Use CBD Cream For Back Pain?

CBD can provide you relief from back pain and the effect of CBD on back pain is supported by scientific evidence. As we mentioned earlier, CBD acts on the ECS to provide you pain relief.

Using CBD cream is just like using any other cream. Apply the cream to your back and wait for it to take effect. The dosage and directions of use will be available on the package and it is better to follow those instructions. However, if you have wounds or broken skin, it is better not to apply CBD creams to the wound. Before using the product, apply a small amount of cream to your outer wrist and check whether you have any allergies to the cream. If you feel any irritation or rash, don’t use the cream on other parts of the body.

Normal doses of CBD are safe to use. But if you ingest high amounts of CBD oil, you may experience some mild symptoms like diarrhea, drowsiness, change in appetite, dry mouth, etc. However, applying CBD creams doesn’t cause any of the above-mentioned side effects.