Does Your CBD Oil Ever Expire?

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The whole world seems to be talking about CBD, nowadays. The reason is obviously the array of benefits and the flexibility of choosing an even wider range of CBD products from the shelves. CBD users are able to enjoy plenty of therapeutic effects and make life much easier as a result. However, like everything in the world, there is an expiry date. Nothing lasts for ever-apart from taxes and the sun rising from the east. Certainly, CBD is an organic product and there is an expiration date printed on its labeling, right?

When Does CBD Expire And How Much Should You Stock Up At Once?

You needn’t be the sort that stocks up on CBD like it is the end of the world. More than often you will end up wasting a lot of it, and definitely a lot of your money in the process. The amount of CBD dose changes from person to person, so the first step involves you to have an idea of how much CBD you need to take a day.

Most of the CBD products that are available in the market have a shelf life of around 14 to 25 months- around 2 years at max. If you are the sort that needs a dropper’s worth of CBD oil a day, then you are better off buying a bigger bottle or buying CBD oil that is more concentrated. Be sure to have a backup bottle on the ready, so you needn’t have to make an order online and wait for a week for the CBD to come by.

The backup will prove helpful usually if you have butterfingers, and broke or dropped the bottle by accident. But don’t purchase more than a bottle as a backup, as beyond a year the CBD will start to oxidise and lose potency. This means that you will need more of the CBD oil for the same effect you used to achieve.

Considerations That Boosts Shelf Life

All CBD products are not the same. Some renowned CBD manufacturers use higher grade processes of filtration and quality control to ensure that their CBD lasts longer and is safer. Since regulation is yet to come for the CBD industry, choosing CBD manufacturers that use CO2 filtration process, helps in promoting shelf life.

Plus keeping it away from direct sunlight to avoid decomposition will do you plenty to lengthen the span of life for the CBD. Make sure that the CBD bottle is airtight and fully sealed every time you are done with its use.