A Brief Guide To CBD Paste

CBD For Chronic Fatigue
CBD For Chronic Fatigue
Benefits Of CBD Paste
Benefits Of CBD Paste

CBD is one of 540 chemical compounds present in the hemp plant. CBD and THC are the most abundant cannabinoid compounds and both of them are capable of binding with the cannabinoid receptors present in the endocannabinoid system of our body.

CBD is available in a variety of forms, with CBD oil being the most popular. One of the newest CBD products available in the market is CBD paste. Read along to know more about CBD paste.

What Is CBD Paste?

CBD paste is a new form of CBD product that is getting quite popular among people these days. It is a thick liquid, which contains a mixture of butter, wax, oil, and CBD extract. It is important to note that CBD paste is thicker than CBD oil. Since it is derived from hemp plants, the THC level in CBD paste is very low.

CBD and other hemp products must contain no more than 0.3 percent THC, as required by the 2018 Farm Bill. Because of this, CBD paste should have no psychoactive effects on the users. CBD paste comes in a syringe, as opposed to CBD oil, which comes in a glass bottle with a dropper. The use of a syringe allows for an easy and precise dosage of CBD paste.

Uses And Benefits Of CBD Paste

There is a huge market for CBD products, especially for CBD topicals like CBD cream, CBD lotions, CBD paste, etc. The versatility of CBD paste over other formulations could be a potential advantage. Coconut oil and hemp oil are two of the most common oils used in CBD paste production, along with butter and other edible ingredients such as honey. People are able to take CBD paste sublingually by placing it under the tongue.

As an alternative, people may take CBD paste orally by mixing it into their food. Also, it can be applied topically to the skin, allowing people to manage their skin problems and body pain. CBD has become a hot topic in emerging cannabis research due to its lack of psychoactive components and its relatively high safety profile from animal and human trials.

The studies on CBD’s effect on the human body are ongoing. Considering that CBD paste is a relatively new form of CBD, studies on its effects are limited and it is recommended to discuss with your physician before taking CBD paste.