Can You Use CBD For Heart Health

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CBD For Heart Health
CBD For Heart Health

Heart diseases are responsible for over a quarter-million deaths in the United States alone. If this doesn’t point to the obvious dangerous situation, I don’t know what does. The cases of heart ailments have actually risen in the past 5 decades, and there are more cases than ever. Researchers and medical practitioners are able to connect that to worsening lifestyles and wellness choices not involving healthy eating and proper exercise.

Heart ailments are no longer an ‘old person’s disease’. We might have even started hearing more cases of youngsters and those in the age groups of the 30s to mid-40s that are falling to heart attacks and heart ailments. Most of these occur as a result of an increased burden to the circulatory system by means of blockages and narrowing of blood vessels. But we may have a reason to rejoice. CBD is here to help. Read on to know.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD can play key role in treating heart diseases and does so by aiding the cardiovascular system which in turn is responsible for regulating the overall body temperature and whose smooth functioning is essential for a healthy well-balanced lifestyle. Before we go any further, we would want to clarify that CBD does not directly interact with the cardiovascular system. It works by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) which has links to the working of the cardiovascular and circulatory system.

CBD And The Arteries: Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is undoubtedly one of the leading causes of heart ailment and failure. The ailment involves the hardening of the arteries which causes it to narrow down. This causes the arteries and the blood vessels to choke and triggers strokes and cardiac attacks. The heart will then have to work harder to pump blood through the vessels due to the blockage, this lowers the blood pressure as a result, and the process continues until you are finally greeted by a heart attack.

Pure CBD works by reducing inflammation and it does so by binding the 2-AG endocannabinoid to the CB2 receptor. This binding is further responsible for the increased efficiency of the immune response and empowers the less immune cells that are prone to attack. As the inflammation reduces, the arteries are able to relax and tense up less. Regular CBD use is key to improving heart health and ensuring the smooth, unhindered working of the heart.

Rest assured you will be having a better heart health all within a few months of using CBD.